Season Two: Episode Three: An urgent missive

A full transcript of this episode can be found here;


Last week, our heroes got more excitement than they anticipated when they met Frume, as the revelry continues, an urgent request, sets our crew on the next leg of their journey.

As of Tuesday, many of our episodes were updated with URLs to released transcripts! We’re aiming to release more (including the latest episode) every week on Tuesday with the #TranscriptTuesdays tag on social media so stay posted!

Eager to find out what happens next and don’t want to wait a week? By supporting us on Patreon at the $5+ tier, you don’t have to! Episode Four will release Monday 25th, for Patreon backers only. Check out this reward and more on

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Don’t forget to check out Merely Roleplayers. You can find their show here;
